My Child at School

My Child at School (MCAS) has replaced both Insight and WisePay to be our new Parent Portal app.

If you have a question which is not addressed on this page, please refer to the MCAS User Guide before contacting the school.


On this page:

Activating your Account

If you are a primary contact with parental responsibility for one of our students, you should have received your MCAS log in details from If you have not received this email, please check your spam folder.

Click on the link in the email to set up your password which must be at least 8 characters long and must include:

  • 1 lower case character
  • 1 upper case character
  • 1 numeric character
  • 1 special character

If your link expires before you are able to use it, please use the email address you have registered with us to reset your password here:

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Logging in to your account

Log in using your registered emai address and password here:

Q. What do I do if I’ve forgotten my password?

A. Use the email address you have registered with us to reset your password here:

Q. What do I do if I’ve forgotten my email address?

A. Contact the School at

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Web version vs App version

MCAS can either be accessed via your browser or via the MCAS App which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play. For further information on both versions, please see the guides at the foot of this page.

Web Version

When using MCAS on a computer, you will see a Dashboard consisting of widgets and a side menu. Some widgets have a ‘More’ button which takes you to that specific page.

The order of the widgets can be changed by dragging and dropping.


 You may have to scroll down to see all items on the side menu. The full menu is:

Data Collection Form  
Exam Timetables  
On Report  
Term Dates  
Online Payments Books, clubs, subs etc
Clubs Paid clubs that your child is enrolled in (e.g. Fencing, Coding)
BWS School Trips Trips your chid is signed up for and new trips
Dinners For details of your child’s cashless catering purchases
Parental Consent  
Outstanding Payments Trip instalment payments and special orders
School Letters  


App Version

The MCAS uses a side menu and pages, which are accessed by pressing the three lines in the top left corner.


 The side menu contains the following options, all of which will take you to a page for that option:

Data Collection Form  
Exam Timetables  
On Report  
Term Dates  
Online Payments Books, clubs, subs etc
Clubs Paid clubs that your child is enrolled in (e.g. Fencing, Coding)
BWS School Trips Trips your chid is signed up for and new trips
Parental Consent  
Outstanding Payments Trip instalment payments and special orders
School Letters  
Dinners For details of your child’s cashless catering purchases
Cashless Catering For your child’s catering balance and to top up their account

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Cashless Catering

You may top up your child’s account at any time but, if their balance becomes overdrawn, you will be sent an automatic reminder. Please note that you may still receive a reminder if you have topped up during the previous 24 hours due to the times that MCAS syncs with our catering system.

Web Version

Catering top ups are via the widget on the main screen and cannot be accessed from the side menu.



App Version

Scroll down on the 'My Child' tab and select 'Dinner'. From here you can see you child's purchases, top up their balance and see your previous dinner money top-ups.

MCAS App MyChild   MCAS App Dinner Money

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School Trips

The ‘BWS School Trips’ option is only available from the side menu. Selecting this option will display any trips that your child is already signed up for and any new trips that are available. To see new trips on the MCAS App, you must select the ‘Available’ tab.

 MCAS App Trips

For a trip with instalment payments, after you have paid the deposit, further payments should be made from ‘Outstanding Payments’ which is available as both a widget and side menu option in MCAS Web and from the side menu only in the MCAS App.

Other Payments

All payment items other than trips can be found under the ‘Online Payments’ option on the side menu of both MCAS Web and the MCAS App.

Order History

A record of your previous payments can be found under your profile menu:

Web version

 Payment History

App version


 MCAS App Order History

MCAS User Guides

MCAS - Full Parent Guide
MCAS Parent App Quick Guide