Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (aka Relationship & Sex Education)

PSHRE is taught by Head of Department Mr B Denham - and Mr C Higson -

This is supported by the work of Lower School form tutors (Years 7 & 8 Tutorial programme) and others (eg Middle School Citizenship, Careers, PE and Well Being activities). Curricular (eg RS and Biology) and Co-curricular activities (eg assemblies, outdoor education) also contribute to the personal, social and health education of our students.

In Years 7-11 “Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education” is delivered in annual “blocks” of 5-6 lessons during timetabled “Tutorial” or PE/ “Carousel” teaching periods. The aim is to provide reliable information, and a “tool kit” of helpful tips, equipping students to make decisions and choices appropriate to their own lives. These lessons are supplemented by assemblies and presentations.

In the Sixth Form, students follow a "Personal Development programme" during Year 12 which includes important topics such as consent; sexual health; drugs and alcohol; mental health; personal safety and more. During Years 12 and 13 there are also a number of assemblies and guest speakers on specific topics such as driving safely, citizenship, building resilience and mental health. All members of the Sixth Form have the opportunity to volunteer in their local community and assume leadership responsibilities within school.

As “Senior Tutor” and an experienced mentor, Mr Higson is available to all students including Sixth Formers as a “listening ear” for any issues which may be troubling them. Most students who use this service do so of their own accord via direct request. Unless there is a safeguarding risk, information from these sessions is not shared. There are also a number of other people students can talk to including pastoral support officers in lower school, middle school and sixth form who can offer one to one support to students as well as our chaplain, Canon Rev Dr Stella Wood and a school nurse available on Thursdays.

Year 7 PSHRE Checklist
Year 8 PSHRE Checklist
Year 9 PSHRE Checklist
Year 10 PSHRE Checklist
Year 11 PSHRE Checklist
Years 10-13 PSHRE Sexual Education