Sixth Form Confirmation of Place Procedure 2024

BWS Students: Collecting your results

The examination results this year will be available via your Bromcom VLE account from 8.00am on Thursday 22nd August. Students can access the BromCom VLE via the icon on the student desktop or directly using this link: Students must check that they can access their VLE account in advance of results day as no results will be given out by telephone or e-mail. Details of the post-examination services and appeals can be found here:

How to confirm your place in BWS Sixth Form

When you have your results, you will need either accept or decline your place at BWS.

To accept your place, log into your application account and follow these steps:
1. Check your application details: Update anything that is incorrect (e.g. telephone numbers). Scroll down if necessary and save each page.
2. Enter your achieved grades: On the examination details page, you will need to change your predicted grades to “achieved”, enter the month you sat the exam and the grade you achieved.
3. Upload exam results evidence. This can be a screenshot, photo or scan, and you can upload multiple files. The results data you submit will need to include your name, unique candidate number (UCI) and exam candidate number on each document.
4. Check your subject choices. It is likely these will be the same as you submitted when applying, but if you have changed your mind or not achieved the grades required for that subject, you can select different subjects now. You should select three A-Level subjects and a fourth option in different blocks.
Community Sports Leaders Award is now available and more details about this award can be found here if you wish to consider it as a fourth option:
5. Submit! Click finish on the subject page and select “submit your enrolment form”. You will receive a confirmation email that your form has been submitted successfully.

Please note: We can only offer places at Sixth Form for students who hold a conditional offer, meet the grade requirements for the school and their subjects AND who confirm their place by 2pm on 22nd August 2024.

Once we receive your form, we check your results and your course selection and then confirm places after 2pm on Results Day. If we are oversubscribed, we follow our admissions policy when offering places. This can be found on our website.

Declining your place

If you no longer wish to study at BWS in Sixth Form, please let us know by filling in this form here – it will only take a minute and means we can offer places to other students who may be waiting.
Decline your place form:

Other information / what to do if…

• You wish to change subjects: You can do this online when submitting your enrolment form – select the new subjects you wish to study and submit.
• You have a 7.5 average points score and want to take a fourth A-Level: You can choose this whilst completing your subject choices in the enrolment form by selecting four A-Level subjects.
• You are having trouble uploading your results. Please be patient – the system may be slow on results day as so many people access it. However, if you still cannot get on the system, you can come in to see us between 10am and 12 noon (unfortunately we don’t have parking available on site).
• You have not achieved the minimum grade requirement for your subject. Please select a different subject, or come in to see us to discuss other subject options available. Unfortunately, we cannot offer places on courses where the entry requirements haven’t been met.
• Your subject is oversubscribed: if we do not have space on a subject, we will ring you to discuss your options.
• Your other choice of school / college needs you to accept a place before 2pm. Unfortunately, we cannot confirm places before 2pm to give everyone a chance to submit their results. In this case we advise you to accept the other offer, and if we are able to confirm a place, you can choose which you prefer to attend.
• You no longer wish to accept your place at BWS: Please use this form to let us know you no longer want us to hold a place for you -
• You have not achieved the required grades for BWS: Unfortunately, we are oversubscribed this year. It is unlikely we will be able to take any students without the required grades. If you need support deciding what to do next, please contact the careers adviser at your current school (for BWS students, this is Mrs Armstrong who will be available from 8.30am-4pm on Results Day).

Don’t forget, you can pop in to see us between 10-12noon on results day, or email if you have any other queries.

Good luck on the 22nd, and we look forward to seeing you in September.