Black Lives Matter – a follow up

In the past week I have received two further letters on this issue, one from a group of current BWS sixth form BAME students and the other from a much larger group of largely BWS alumni. Both essentially ask the same thing – that we review the current curriculum coverage and that we use opportunities outside the curriculum to educate boys better about racism in the UK, both historical and contemporary. I have replied to both groups confirming the steps that will be taken, and a copy of the text is shown below. We will also be involving current BWS boys and girls in the review process through 2020-2021.

"As promised the members of the school’s Leadership Team have now had time to consider your recent letter which focused on issues of racial inequality and how these could be tackled at BWS. We propose the following practical steps to address your concerns:

  1. The Heads of the RS and History Departments will be asked to review their current schemes of work to see how issues of racism and racial inequality are dealt with and what can be done to amplify both historical and contemporary issues in this area. Other heads of academic departments will also review what they teach, but it is likely that the RS and History Departments will be involved in delivering the most relevant material.
  2. I have asked the Heads of Pastoral Sections (Lower School, Middle School and Sixth Form) to review the current content of the PSHE and tutorial programmes throughout the year groups to ensure that there are no missed opportunities for exploring race related issues both in school and in society more generally. Mr Brown, Mrs Jenner and Ms Lambard are also responsible for the majority of events where external speakers come in to BWS, so they are ideally placed to look at what can be done to enhance this area of provision too.
  3. Assembly takers will be asked to look at the overall programme through the year and consider delivering suitable material to larger groups (either in person or on line of course). It may be possible for some assemblies to be delivered by boys too, but please bear in mind that this is a very sensitive topic which needs to be approached with a great deal of care and sensitivity. I would be very happy to involve boys in this way with plenty of staff advice and guidance to ensure that we all get the balance right.

Thank you again for writing on this important issue. I am sure that staff mentioned above would be very happy for you, or your co-signatories to help with the review process in due course. It is to everyone’s lasting benefit that we should get matters right for the future."

The fact that both our current students and also ex-boys have opted to write to me on this issue eloquently demonstrates both the importance of the issues and also the fact that our boys care deeply about societal values which we have the power to challenge and change for the better. I am encouraged that they have done so, and I look forward to seeing how we can do more in this area in due course.