A look in the rear-view mirror

As we approach the autumn half term break I have just completed an important piece of housekeeping – I have finally completed the updating of the school’s Self-Evaluation Form for the past academic year (see https://www.bishopwordsworths.org.uk/main-school/school-information-and-governance/school-development-and-inspections) . This is a working document, as it is a view in the rear-view mirror to see what we have all achieved together as a school community over the past 12 months or so. I usually heave a big sigh of relief when the job is done, though I am also realistic. Like most reports it is only as good as the data from which it is drafted, and of course events move very fast (in schools just as much as in politics), so some of the areas for work as well as the narrative can quite rapidly become obsolete.

Nevertheless the value of the exercise as an objective view of school operation is considerable. It is both quantitative and qualitative, and so provides a commentary as well a factual basis for judgement. It does more than this as it gives a means for us to show our areas of strength as well as the areas where we know that we have work to do. The document works its way through the entire breadth of school activity, starting with a depiction of the context in which the school operates which determines so much of what we can achieve. The academic side of life is covered through sections on Attainment & Achievement, Quality of Learning & Progress and Quality of Teaching. The students services aspects of school are detailed through the chapters on Pupil Behaviour and Care, Guidance & Support. The SEF is then completed with material covering Leadership & Management and finally Governance. The last section of the form then shows some of the key data for the year, with much of the data that will feature in accountability measures published by the Department for Education.

The subject matter for this particular blog may not be the most natural subject matter for an evening’s read at the fireside, but nevertheless it is important, for everyone who has a stake in the operation and development of Bishop’s – staff, governors and parents alike. Because it is a working document it is open for amendment at any time through the year, and I welcome comments on its content from whatever source. And – if OfSTED do ever remember that the school exists – it will be an important source of information for both the inspection team and for those of us who could be under scrutiny. Happy reading!