Entry requirements

What are the minimum grades required at GCSE to study a subject at A level?

The minimum requirement for entry to Year 12 is 52 points across the best 8 GCSE subjects including at least a 5 in both English Language and Mathematics.

Our A level courses and any minimum grade requirements are listed below.

A Level Subject GCSE Grade Requirement
Art & Design  6 in Art, Photography, Textiles, Graphic Design or Design Technology. (Each case will be reviewed on its individual merits and a portfolio may be required)
Biology 7 in Biology or 7,7 in Combined Science
Business Studies  7 in English Language and 6 in Maths
 Chemistry 7 in Chemistry or 7,7 in Combined Science and 7 in Maths
 Classical Civilisation 6 in a Humanities subject
Economics  7 in Maths and 7 in English Language
English Literature  6 in English Literature and 6 in English Language
 French 7 in French
 Geography 6 in Geography
 Geology 7 in a Science 
 German 7 in German  
Government & Politics 6 in History if taken, or 6 in English Language
 History 6 in History
 Further Maths 8 in Maths
    Maths   7 in Maths
 Music 7 in Music & a minimum of Grade IV on the first study instrument Grade V theory recommended
Physical Education 7 in a Science 
 Physics 7 in Physics or 7,7 in Combined Science and 7 in Maths
Psychology 7 in Maths/Science and 6 in English Language
RS (Philosophy, Ethics and Theology)   6 in RS if taken, or 6 in English Language
 Spanish 7 in Spanish