Sixth Form Team

The Sixth Form Team are based on the first floor of the Sixth Form Building.

Zoe Lambard, Head of Sixth Form

ZL 6F2

Zoe has overall responsibility of managing the Sixth Form at Bishop's, as well as teaching Chemistry. Please feel free to get in touch with any questions about the Sixth Form at BWS, or if you are new to us, to arrange a time to come and see it for yourself.


Hamish Morton, Assistant Head of Sixth

Photo coming soon!

Hamish Morton is Head of Year, Head of EPQ and also teaches Physical Education



Nikki Mesnard, Assistant Head of Sixth

 Mesnard N7

Nikki is also Head of the  Psychology Department.



Sally Armstrong, Careers Leader & Advisor

Armstrong S

Sally provides students with careers guidance and is based in the Interview Room adjacent to the Sixth Form Office. All students in Year 12 are offered the opportunity of a one-to-one interview with Sally and students can see her at any other time by request. Sally can provide students with up-to-date knowledge about Higher Education as well as more general careers guidance.


Susie Stoneham, Pastoral Support Officer


Susie is responsible for the wellbeing of our sixth form students in all aspects of their sixth form life. Ensuring that students experience a productive and happy time in sixth form is the main emphasis of her role.

In addition to her role as Pastoral Support Officer, Susie is also a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and as such is a member of the whole school Safeguarding Team.

Susie is based in the Sixth Form Office and is available for support and to answer queries, including those relating to sixth form admissions.


Nicole Mawdsley, Office Manager


Nicole provides office support for the sixth form team, ensuring the smooth-running of the sixth form office. Nicole also plays an instrumental part in sixth form admissions and is available to answer questions regarding sixth form entry.

Nicole is based in the Sixth Form Office. 


Jan Glasson, Exams Officer

Glasson J3 

Jan is responsible for the administration of all public and internal examinations taken in school. Jan is based in the Chapel Building and is available Monday to Friday to assist with any questions regarding A level and other post-16 exams.