Prefect Team 2024-5

Prefects assist in the daily running of school life at Bishop’s, from
setting up assemblies to organising large scale events such as Founder’s Day and Prize Giving. This opportunity is open to any student, even if they only joined the school at the beginning of Year 12

There are a wide range of roles available, from specific subject prefects, to other roles such as Chapel Prefects, who assist in setting up chapel assemblies, and Library Prefects, who help to run the library. There are also senior prefects. This section includes the ‘Top 6’, roles that have extra responsibilities and regular meetings with the Head. A wide variety of other roles exist, and the full list of senior prefects can be found below. 

A prefect’s aim is to make Bishop’s a better place for all those involved. Furthermore, being a prefect can develop skills for use in later life, not to mention UCAS applications. There are a vast range of roles available - so there is one to suit anybody that wishes to help both the school and themselves.

Senior prefects 2024-5

Head Boy - Joseph Pratt
Head Girl
- Olivia Kerr

Deputy Heads - Shivam Padiyar & Sophia Riding

Cathedral Prefects - Baaba Forson & Luke Herbert

House Captains
J – Jamie Duckett & Natalie Childers
M – Hari Chowdhury & Iona King
O – Kabir Patwardhan & Lara Woodhouse
P – Brendan Hau & Lidia Pettit
W – Charlie Prior & Maya Caddick

Lower School Leads - Maeve Gee & Hariket Trivadi
Middle School Leads - Ben Culyer & Dan Farmer
Sixth Form Lead - Lia Cowan Deyes

Chair of Charity Committee - Flora Youens

Health and Wellbeing Prefects - Henry Roberts & Lilac Payne

Societies Prefect - Zayan Siddiqui-Raja

Student representation / committees - Aicha Balde & Musa Shakil

Wordsworth Editor - Amelia Bielby

Lead Chapel Prefect - Toby Ransome

IT Lead - Koen Sawyer

Library Lead - Eva Blackbourn